2022 Call for Presentations

January 14, 2022

The 2022 National Child and Youth Care Conference

Canmore, Alberta

October 5-7, 2022

Reaching for a Better Tomorrow”

Call for Presentations

The Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta (CYCAA) is pleased to be hosting the National Child and Youth Care Conference, October 5-7, 2022, in Canmore, Alberta, Canada, situated in the magnificent Rocky Mountains west of Calgary, on the ancestral lands of the Blackfoot Confederation The conference signifies our hope to come together once again as a collective for connection, inspiration and learning. It will also be the 50th Anniversary celebration for CYCAA!

We have chosen  “Reaching for a Better Tomorrow”  as our theme for the conference. It is the original tagline from 1972 for the then newly created Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta. How fitting it is to bring this back at a time when our sector has experienced so many challenges, especially during almost two years in a global pandemic. Our goal to help children, youth and families aspire to a brighter future, a better tomorrow, remains as important today as it was 50 years ago. Our profession has made great strides over the decades and yet there is still much to learn. We invite you to continue this journey with us.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to boldly plan for a traditional conference? We desire to create an even better experience for delegates than our 2012 National Conference held in the same venue. We hold on to the hope that most of us will be able to be physically together, safely, in October. However, we must also acknowledge the ever-changing situation regarding travel and gathering advisories, as well as the additional financial strains there have been for many. Therefore, both in-person and virtual delivery streams will be available for the conference, and this call for presentations will require you to identify the option that best suits your preference for delivery. 

We request that presenters consider the  “Reaching for a Better Tomorrow”  perspective to their presentation. Related topics may include evidence-based practice, innovative approaches to treatment, challenges to practice amid a pandemic, staff wellness, topics related to mental health and treatment of mental health issues, working with families, incorporation of traditional practices and ways of knowing, inclusion, and/or anti-oppressive practices.

To submit a presentation, please provide detailed information as outlined on downloaded document.

Please be advised that the Conference Committee will select the successful presentations. The committee will review all potential presentations and will respond to all submissions with a decision.