Exciting Opportunity – Test Development Team

December 17, 2019

ACTA and the CYCAA are seeking Child and Youth Care Counsellors from across the Province, in all areas of practice, who are interested in taking part in creating the Registration Exam to apply for this opportunity.  The exam is being created by a company called Compass that works with provincial groups who are “Legislated to Register”.  Although the CYCAA is advertising for CYCCs to express interest we will NOT be involved in creating the exam.  Both CYCAA and ACTA will remain at an arms length away from the exam process to avoid conflict of interest.

This is an exciting opportunity for CYCCs to be involved in an important time in the history of our profession.  Please pass this along to everyone you know.  We are hoping for a good mix of CYCCs to represent the knowledge, skill, and competencies required.

All applications will go directly to Compass and the CYCAA will not be part of the selection process.

Thank you for your contribution to the Child and Youth Care Profession.

Best wishes,

CYCAA Legislation Committee/ACTA Representatives Michelle Briegel and Pat Kostouros