CYCEAB Seeking New Board Members

September 16, 2022
assorted-color chair lot

Child and Youth Care Educational Accreditation Board of Canada (CYCEAB)

• Are you an advocate for quality education in child and youth care?
• Are you interested in decision-making and collaborative work in educational accreditation?
• Have you thought about how you might contribute to the future of CYC education?

We are seeking three new members for the CYCEAB Board of Directors.
There are vacancies in our Western, Central and Northern, and Eastern Regions as defined within our bylaws. See our bylaws at CYCEAB-Bylaws-Approved-Jan-20-2022.pdf (

Application deadline is October 11.

Attached is the position description for a director-at-large and our Executive Committee positions.

CYCEAB’s Nominating Committee will review your application and get back to you following the October 11th deadline for applications. We encourage first-time applicants to volunteer for one of CYCEAB’s committees to gain an understanding of the work of the organization and Board of Directors.

Elections for the director-at-large positions will be held at the next Annual General Meeting scheduled for November 17, 2022. The Board of Directors appoints qualified candidates to its Executive Committee positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) at the first board meeting following each Annual General Meeting.

Directors must be 18 years of age or older and they must have an affiliation to a post-secondary institution or a child and youth care association or program. Directors shall serve a term of three years, with a board director from each geographic region elected annually. Board members may serve a maximum of two terms, but they may serve more when the board member is willing to continue and there is no one else to fill the vacant seat.

How to Apply
Please apply by letter with CV to CYCEAB c/o
Include answers to the following questions within your application letter:

• What region are you from as defined in the CYCEAB bylaws?
Link to bylaws: CYCEAB-Bylaws-Approved-Jan-20-2022.pdf (
• How are you involved in child and youth care education?
• How are you staying current in child and youth care education?
• What has your relationship been to CYCEAB, e.g., were you a member of one of CYCEAB’s committees?
• How do you think you can contribute as a CYCEAB board member and vote as individuals and not as representatives of the bodies to which you belong?
• If you are interested in an Executive Committee position either now or in the future, please indicate your interest and how you are qualified for the position you are interested in.