My name is Angelique Jenney and I am the Wood’s Homes Research Chair in Children’s Mental Health and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary.
I am contacting you today to invite you to participate in a study, “Using Standardized Client Simulation to Identify Reflective Practice Competencies for Child and Youth Care Work”. The purpose of this study is examine the utility of standardized client simulation (SCS) for eliciting practice wisdom from practitioners on complex reflective practices when working with young people (YP) in care. This knowledge will be used to develop a reflective practice competency model to inform educational curriculum for students/professionals working with YP and to create resources for use in training, which will support improving outcomes for children and youth.
As a professional who currently works with young people in care, you are eligible to participate in this study. Here is a sneak peak at what you can expect from this study experience:
If you wish to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete an online SCS (in the form of a virtual gaming simulation) and then one live (in person) SCS within 14 days of each other. The steps of participation (Consent, VGS, optional review, Live simulation and elicitation interview process) are as follows:
1. First you will sign an online consent form, complete a demographics form and select your preferred date for the live simulation experience.
2. You will then be sent a link to complete on your own time which includes: information as to the nature of the specific case, how the simulation will work and then asked to participate in a 30-minute video gaming simulation (VGS) with in-game reflection components (text-based). After the VGS, you will be asked to complete a 20-minute self-guided reflection process online.
3. After you complete the VGS you will be sent another link (without the reflective practice components) where you may complete the scenario up to an additional 5 times if so desired (optional).
4. On the date of your live simulation, you will attend the specified location be provided with preparatory information and materials, then asked to work through a 15-minute live simulation with a simulated client actor. This simulation be video recorded for your later review. After the simulation you will be asked to complete another self-reflection exercise (15 minutes), followed by a semi-structured interview as you review your recorded simulation and reflect on your practice. This live session will take approximately 3 hours of your time.
There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions we will be asking, the exercise is about process as opposed to performance. We are interested in your experience and expertise in this work to help inform future training and practice initiatives. At the end of the live session you will receive a $210 honorarium to recognize the time you have taken to contribute to this research project.
Participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to participate altogether. There will be no consequences whatsoever related to your relationship with the Faculty of Social Work or University of Calgary.
I have enclosed a study information sheet with further details. Please review this information, and if you wish to participate in this study, please click on this link: to access further information and the consent process.
Any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to me at Additionally, please forward this message on to anyone within your professional networks that you think might also be a good candidate for this study.
The University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board has approved this research study.
Dr. Angelique Jenney
Principal Investigator
Angelique Jenney, MSW, PhD, RSW (she/her)
Wood’s Homes Research Chair in Children’s Mental Health
Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
MT 440, 2500 University Drive NW,
Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4, CANADA
T: +1 403.220.7123 | c: +1 403.999.7200
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