Today is Trending Tuesday

April 5, 2022
beautiful view of moraine lake

Today is Trending Tuesday!

Make your voice known to the Alberta Government!

Last night, Premier Kenney made the following post on Twitter:

ACTA has created a series of posts that tag Premier Kenney to remind him that the counselling professions are STILL not regulated.

Go to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and like, share, repost and comment on ACTA’s posts TODAY!  Comment on each other’s comments and let’s create some buzz on social media!  Encourage your family and friends to comment and make posts.

We’ve attached a guidebook for anyone who is new to social media. Social Media Steps Guidelines

Examples of comments/posts in response to ACTA’s messages today (modify as you wish):

  • Counselling professionals work with vulnerable children, youth and adults who need the protection of regulation @jkenney!  Albertans have recently sent your government over 3000 letters asking it to keep its commitment to regulating counselling therapists, addiction counsellors and child & youth care counsellors. Please keep your government’s commitment to open the independent regulator that has been ready and waiting for the last 3 years!  #SupportRegulationForCounselling
  • The government recently received over 3000 letters from Albertans asking it to keep its commitment to regulate mental health and addiction counselling. It’s time to proclaim the College of Counselling Therapy of Alberta @jkenney. Your government has had 3 years to do it. It’s ready and waiting to open.   #SupportRegulationForCounselling
  • Regulation of professions in the public interest is important @jkenney. Albertans, please continue to remind this Government that they need to keep their commitment to regulate counselling therapists, addiction counsellors and child and youth care counsellors Regulation will increase safety, access and affordability for Albertans receiving mental health and addiction counselling, at a time when it has never been needed more. #SupportRegulationForCounselling
  • And meanwhile Albertans have to BEG your Government to keep its commitment to regulate the mental health and addiction counselling professions @jkenney!  Anyone in Alberta can call themselves a counsellor and charge for mental health and addiction services to vulnerable people without training, standards or an independent oversight body.  This is unsafe and unacceptable!  The College of Counselling Therapy of Alberta has been ready and waiting to open for the last three years, at the direction of this government.   #SupportRegulationForCounselling
  • It is unacceptable that Albertans continue to be unsafe!  The solution is regulation. Send a letter of support for regulation to your MLA.
  • CCTA will ensure safety for Albertans when receiving mental health and addiction services.  Tell the Government to stop stalling and get this done!  Send a letter of support for regulation to your MLA.
  • It is unacceptable that anyone in Alberta can practice as a counsellor without any training or oversight. In other jurisdictions, counselling is regulated to prevent this kind of harm to the public. Tell the Government to stop stalling on opening the CCTA by sending a letter of support to your MLA.
  • There is a mental health and addiction crisis in Alberta. It is urgent that the Government regulates the counselling professions so Albertans can be assured that their mental health service providers meet minimum standards of competence and ethics.

Important instructions on comments and posts:

  • nothing negative about anyone, any group or the Government
  • focus your messages about the public interests and not professional interests. Public interest messages are about:
    • public safety
    • oversight of the profession
    • urgency and need
    • increased access and affordability for the public
  • use the hashtag #supportregulationforcounselling
  • tag your MLA, Jason Copping or Mike Ellis (or the Premier!)
  • like and follow ACTA’s accounts comment on each other’s posts and comments
  • if you have a personal story you’d like to share, email so we can share our learnings about how to effectively share personal stories